Sakurayama Koretoshi (桜山茲俊)

Koretoshi SAKURAYAMA (year of birth unknown, died on February 25, 1332) was a busho (Japanese military commander) who lived in the end Kamakura period. His common name was Shiro. Masashige KUSUNOKI raised an army during the Genko War, and Koretoshi kept up with Masashige to take up arms himself in Ichinomiya, Bingo Province. At one point, his troops showed superiority that no enemy could withstand against them, although once his troops heard the news about the defeat of the Imperial army in the battle of Mt. Kasagi, Sakurayama troops scattered and eventually the troops were weakened. After killing his wife and children at the Kibitsu no miya, he committed suicide along with his families and retainers.

[Original Japanese]